This week we’re going to be talking all about all the feels. Yes, we’re going to be talking about feelings in this episode today. And why thinking about all the feels is really, really, really important when you’re building your personal brand and growing your business.
Before I get into the episode today, I want to just ground us in a few things.
First of all, I want to tell you a little bit more about my philosophy around business. The thing with business is most people think it’s all about making money. And yes, obviously, when you start your own business or when you’re building your personal brand so you can monetize it someday, that will be something that falls into the equation.
Of course, we all need to take care of ourselves, right? But the reality is business is the ultimate in serving others. Business is all about loving on other human beings and helping them live freer, better, healthier, with less worry, with less pain, and all about helping people live more fulfilled, beautiful lives.
We only get one chance at this life. And for those of us in business, it’s all about helping people live their best life. And so one of my values is always putting love at the center of everything that I do. That includes building businesses. That includes helping you here with building your personal brand and growing your business.
That is just the way I look at things. Love is always the center. And even when things are hard, even when things don’t go my way, even when the world starts Going crazy with lots of different things. Ultimately, everything comes down to loving on human beings. So, love is always the center. That is one of my values.
That’s what I believe in my life and in anything that I do. And so, part of thinking about all of the feels is really about grounding ourselves in what business really is. Business is really about serving other human beings. And if you have a heart to serve, and if you have a heart to take care of people, there is no better way than creating a business around solving a problem for someone else, and offering up something that will help them live freer, better with less pain, with more enjoyment, more joy in their lives.
So I wanted to start there because I think about all the feels, I think about feelings a lot when it comes to my personal brand, building my business, building my biz business brand. And so I want to share with you some things today that I think will help you.
I want to offer up an exercise that I think will help you if you haven’t thought about all the feels when it comes to building your brand and building your business.
Another thing I want to ground us in, and this is why I help you and others with branding because branding ultimately makes people feel something.
Branding makes people feel something.
Now on the flip side of that, marketing makes people do something.
So, focusing on your branding strategy in advance of ever asking or putting out something To offer others right before you’re selling so branding makes people feel something And marketing makes people do something for instance buy your product or sign up for your workshop or you know, whatever it may be, join your community, right?
Personal branding is really about creating an emotional connection between you and your people, making them feel something. Ultimately, the end goal of branding is building trust, creating an emotional bond with your people.
So this exercise is all about identifying:
How you want people to feel about you when they experience you and your business in person, and how they feel about you and your business when they think of you when you aren’t around.
And it’s all about how you want your people to feel about themselves when you are in a room, when they are in your presence, and how you want them to feel about themselves after you hang out with them.
This exercise is something that I recommend to everyone who is building a personal brand or growing a business, because when you get clear about the feelings You want to evoke and create others when you are doing all the things when you’re meeting people, working with people, how people experience you when you’re putting yourself out there online in all that you say and do.
This is so important because your brand is the emotional connection you have between you and your people, whether that be your peers, customers, partners, employees, or community at large.
If you are clear about the feelings you want people to have about you, and about themselves, as a result of interacting with you, you can get very clear in your HOWs, your behaviors, your language, your messaging, in your experiences with people, in the experiences you create for people, in creating your offers because you will understand the result you are going for in your branding strategy and your community building strategy. And one of the feelings you will always want people to feel about you is that you are trustworthy. that they can feel confident and secure that they are working with the right person for them.
One way of building that emotional trust is showing your people that you care about them and you care about their wellbeing, their life, and their future. The way to make someone care about you and what you provide is to show them that you care about them.
I’m always reminded of what the infamous Maya Angelou said.
I’ve learned that people forget what you say. People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. So when you are building a brand, being intentional about your branding strategy so that it enables your business strategy, you want to be striving for that deeper emotional trust.
Before anyone will commit and take action on what you offer, you must create an emotional connection with them. Because while logic and reason can play a large part in a buyer’s decision making process, emotion is the factor that sways them into making a purchase and keeps them coming back. and keeps them being loyal to you.
Okay, so let’s get into the exercise. So I’m going to pose some questions that you’re going to want to ask yourself when you’re building your personal brand and throughout your journey. This exercise you will use to get intentional as you’re starting out, but also use these questions as a filter. When you are creating content, creating your offers, creating connections, ask yourself these questions before you start to create anything.
I use this as somewhat of a filter as well. So this isn’t a one and done. This is something you can do over and over. So the first thing you’re going to want to ask yourself is how do you want your people to feel about you? What emotions do you want your audience, your community, your people to associate with you?
It might be confidence, trust, reliability. So some questions also to think about. So how do you want them to feel about you when they engage with your content? Your emails, your website, anything you create and put out there, when they hear your tone of voice, when they hear your words. When they read, listen, or watch your content, when they meet you in person, when you interact with them at events, how do you want them to feel about you when they interact with your products or services or have an experience with you?
When they overhear your name from someone else and when they think about you, when you aren’t around. So the first one’s all about how do you want your people to feel about you? The second one you’ll want to think about is how do you want them to feel about themselves? How do you like making your people feel?
That could be things like confident, that anything is possible, that they’re assured, that they’re proud of themselves, they’re beautiful, they’re at ease, they’re connected, that they’re capable, that they’re proud. that they’re seen, that they’re heard, that they’re valued. How do you want them to feel about themselves when they come into contact with you or anything that you create?
So that’s number two. Now, this is the third component that, um, you’ll want to think about. So if you want others to feel this certain way about you and about themselves, the only way that you can do this is if you feel it, believe it and do it first. So let me say that again. If you want others to feel a certain way about you and about themselves when they’re in your presence or in the presence of your business and what you offer, the only way you can do that is if you feel it, believe it, and do it yourself.
You have to feel this way in order to have them feel this way about you. This is part of being recognizable to others. Your people, your audience, your ideal customers have to recognize These feelings in you, in order for them to feel that way about you and about themselves. They have to see it. They have to feel it from you.
You have to radiate it in order to be relatable and recognizable to them, okay? So the third question you’ll want to ask yourself will help you get in that right energy to create and or show up to help them evoke those emotions that you identified in question one and two. So how do you have to feel when you are creating content, showing up, offering your work up, providing your experiences, your service, your product, creating your offers?
Marketing yourself, showing up at networking events in order for your people to feel that way that you identified in one and two about you and themselves. Take some time to reflect on these and decide how you want them to feel. Now, I’m going to get real with y’all. And the next set of questions are the ones that help you not ever hinder or negatively affect your personal brand and your relationship with your audience or your potential customers, partners, etc.
And allow you to check yourself along the way when you’re creating things. Because when you are intentional about your personal brand and what you are trying to do in this world, share your message, go after your mission and vision to change up this world, and make a lasting impact on people’s lives.
You’re here to help your people see a world of possibility by helping them with what you offer, whether that is your content or your products and services. So this is another filter, if you will. These questions are a filter to get you in the right energy, but also to help you realize when you are not in the right energy.
When we are creating, we are creating from love. We are creating to help other people and to serve other people. And there may be times when you are not in the right energy or you are not in the right mode of operation to do so. So these will help you be in the right state when you’re creating.
So number one, how would you never want your people to feel about you and what you offer? How would you never want your people to feel about you, about the experience they have about you, your company, and your offerings? Number two, how would you never want your people to feel about themselves when they encounter you or your business or anything you offer?
Whether that is about, um, their life or in general or about their life in general. How would you never want to make them feel about you, themselves, what they’re doing in the world, in their life, or Just in general, how would you never want to make them feel? And then lastly, how do you not want to feel when you are creating your content, your offers, or delivering on your products and services?
It’s also really important to think about how you don’t want to feel when you are creating all of these things. Because, again, for anyone to feel a certain way about you and about themselves when they are interacting with you, you have to also think about how you feel and how you are maybe radiating the wrong energy, right?
So reflecting on these and getting aware of these perhaps are even more important when the going gets tough, when things aren’t going how you want them to. When you’re feeling down and out or defeated yet still know that you need to be putting yourself out there and creating for your business. You know, you need to bring your abundant higher self in order to attract your people and create the right emotional connections with your people.
So these are also so important to ask yourself when you are going into the creation process, building your personal brand is all about standing out, attracting your people and creating an emotional connection between you and them. You do that by being the real you. The real you is the higher self you, the empathetic you, and the magnetic you.
So I hope this exercise was helpful in getting you thinking about all the feels and why thinking about how you want people to feel about you and how you want them to feel about themselves when they are encountering you or interacting with you or working with you. will help you build a solid personal brand and build your business over time.
Remember that personal branding is all about creating an emotional connection with your people specifically. So if this episode piqued your interest, if this is helpful, please subscribe to my podcast and share it with an entrepreneurial friend who’s building a brand and building a business because that will help me help.
Thank you again for being here! Remember you are brave. You are bold. You were born brave and bold and you deserve a brave and bold life that you create for yourself.
Let’s do that by building your personal brand.
Want to hop on a call to discuss your personal brand, your goals, and making a plan to build your personal brand? Request your FREE brand call with me below, and we can set up a personal-brand planning strategy call together!
In a call together, I will help you get started with a plan to start realizing your goals and dreams so you can build, grow, and monetize your brand!
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