Do you want to simplify your marketing this year and more effectively share your message and what you offer? Do you need to attract more of your people, build your audience, and the right kind of clients/customers? If so, this episode is for you! In this episode, I share with you the reasons why defining your ideal customer, your ideal person you want to work with, is so important. I also share my take on how to define your ideal person no matter if you have been in a business for a few years already or are just starting out building your brand and your business.
If you want to crush it in 2022, being intentional about your marketing and messaging efforts and being intentional about discovering or defining who your people is, is going to be a key differentiator in your success this year!
If you want help with defining your person and getting clear on how doing so can shape your messaging, content strategy, and overall marketing efforts, I’m here for you!
Let’s connect on Instagram at @kimberlygayleconsulting or @socialbrewsbusiness
Email me at hello@kimberlgayle.com
Check out my website at https://www.kimberlygayle.com and if you are ready to get strategic, fill out this form TODAY https://www.kimberlygayle.com/workwithme/ and I will contact you!
Follow me on Instagram @kimberlygayleconsulting
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Thank you so much for listening!